Public version 0.14 is out!

Hi everyone! the new free version is out and also the newest Patreon version

Patreon: 0.15.0 (16/10/22)

- 2 new CGs (#26 & #27) with variations

- Total CGs: 27, 220+ variations

- 5.900 words added. (78.350 total)

- Feature: Using the "g" key now shows/hides the CG gallery buttons so you can see the whole image.

- Feature: 'Clear Progress' button, clears the galleries.

- Fix: Loading old saves now warns you about possible bugs.

Public: 0.14.0 (23/9/22)

- 2 new CGs (#24 & #25) with variations

- 1 new variation of CG #23

- Total CGs: 25, 200+ variations

- 5.450 words added. (72.450 total)


Indecent Wife Hana (PC) 155 MB
Version 0.14.1-public Oct 16, 2022
Indecent Wife Hana (Mac) 149 MB
Version 0.14.1-public Oct 16, 2022

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